"In the German translation [of Philip K. Dick's Ubik], there is one of the most wonderful lapses of correct understanding that I have ever come across; God help us if the man who translated my novel Ubik into German were to do a translation from the koine Greek into German of the New Testament.
He did all right until he got to the sentence 'I am the word.' That puzzled him. What can the author mean by that? he must have asked himself, obviously never having come across the Logos doctrine. So he did as good a job of translation as possible. In the German edition, the Absolute Entity which made the suns, made the worlds, created the lives and the places they inhabit, says of itself:
'I am the brand name.'
Had he translated the Gospel according to Saint John, I suppose it would have come out as:
'When all things began, the brand name already was. The brand name dwelt with God, and what God was, the brand name was.'
It would seem that I not only bring you greetings from Disneyland but from Mortimer Snerd. Such is the fate of an author who hoped to include theological themes in his writing.
'The brand name, then, was with God at the beginning, and through him all things came to be; no single thing was created without him.'
So it goes with noble ambitions. Let's hope God has a sense of humor.
Or should I say, let's hope the brand name has a sense of humor."
--Philip K. Dick, From A Speech At A 1978 Awards Ceremony
Link: How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later.