Matsue, Japan is home to a romantic museum honoring Wit favorite Lafcadio Hearn...
"Born in Greece to an Irish father and Greek mother, [Lafcadio] Hearn made his name writing for newspapers in Cincinnati and New Orleans about macabre killings and exotic local legends. He married Alethea Foley, an African-American, in Cincinnati, but social disapproval led to the breakup of the marriage, after which he moved to New Orleans, scholars say.
He found Japan to be a crimeless, almost Utopian society — a 'fairyland' populated with 'the most lovable people in the universe,' as he wrote. He looked for the source of Japan’s 'strangeness and charm' in the ancestor worship of its native religion, Shinto.
But it was Matsue, dominated by its 'grim castle, grotesquely peaked,' as he described it, that provided a perfect setting for his celebrated retellings of Japanese ghost stories...."
Link: Honoring a Westerner Who Preserved Japan’s Folk Tales - New York Times.