A smart lady corresponds:
"Your posts about how the boomers should all die right now to make way for the younger folks really perplex me. They should have the Who's 'My Generation' playing in the background -- oh, wait, that's a Boomer anthem. The 'you old people must die' rant is so classically adolescent that every time you bring it up, it makes me question my otherwise state of fandom. I think to myself, 'Why am I reading this punk?' and then I think to myself, 'Hold on a minute. If I recall correctly, the Wit, pigtails notwithstanding, is pushing 40 herself...' Also, if I recall correctly, the Wit is a Freudian ... so I wonder ... do you hate mommy and daddy? Is that what this is all about?
What do you propose, exactly? Soilent Green? Have you got a black pill you're selling?
And then you'll turn around and get all wet in the panties about Yoko freaking Ono.
And what are you going to do when all this crap comes back to you, as it will, if you're lucky and you live a long life -- because, you see, that's the ultimate revenge of the older against the younger -- the certain knowledge that you will be humbled.
We'll die when we get goddamn good and ready."
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 14:53:35 -0400
To: "Blank Blank"
From: Theresa Duncan
Subject: Further
Basically, I agree that most of what I enjoy in culture is the product of the Baby Boomer era, and that many of the freedoms I thought I was going to be able to take for granted are the result of fights that this generation undertook.
The problem, as I see it, is not the Baby Boomers themselves, but the media's continuing focus on them despite their near total irrelevance as a bloc that is going to move the culture forward even one inch more than they already have. (I hope I am wrong, of course, but I doubt it.)
The problem that I have as a person born immediately after this generation, is that there are 20 million Gen Xers and something like 50 million BBs. It's money and demographics that are muffling people like me and taking up all the space as much as the BBs wide middle aged asses.
To me Oedipal means under the thumb of Mommy and Daddy and getting along with them just fine. Freudians like Kaja Silverman call the obedience and lack of fight and innovation that we are currently seeing among young people "The Tyrrany Of The Oedipal." She, like me, sees hostility and then the eventual overtaking of older stagnant orders as supremely healthy. When you and Mommy and Daddy wear all the same clothes and have all the same records it's not a happy consumerist paradise of unending youth, it's a static hell with no happy Hegelian dialectic.
If you want to fight me, Blank Blank, then you are going to have to have better, newer ideas than me. This fight, which I deliberately provoked, as I already said, would then be not only good for Blank Blank and The Wit Of The Staircase, but for the entire culture.
I also think that the BBs strategies for cultural upheaval and protest were studied closely by Strangeloves like Kissinger and Rumsfeld and their Black Pill think tanks. We have to fight the same motherfuckers that you guys did, but if we use the known strategies that worked back when, we are dead.
The battles of the nineteen sixties are not yet remotely won, and it's the BBs patting themselves on the back like they were that is deadly......for me and you.
And yes, I pretty much hate my parents, and it took me five years of psychoanalysis and nearly $100,000 to grow the nuts to admit it to myself. And now I am blissfully unafraid to challenge even the biggest, meanest, mightiest bad authority.
Younger people were indeed born to kick my pigtailed ass, and if our terminally ailing democratic culture is swept along on their own sexy, slender thighed demands for freedom and money and sex and art and music that are all their own, then whoopeee!
If you think you've got more to say and do as a BB, then Aux Armes! Blank Blank. As for me, I'm here every single day, saying what I think, and then doing what I do.