The most interesting point the reviewer goes on to make here is the differences in circumstances between the Western and Third World women in this "Feminist" museum show. I'd much rather see a show about social class, frankly, which is a much more taboo subject than a bunch of dipshits showing their tits and taking jumbo upskirt photos.
I identify with working class men, for example, far more than I do most of these monkey-see monkey-do second raters. Referencing one's gender's or one's own appearance the way this work does is just spectacularly obedient as far as we're concerned.
"The curators of 'Global Feminisms' set themselves two goals: to profile the latest in feminist thinking, and to convince viewers that these new feminist expressions are the trendsetters of contemporary art. On the question of artistic mediums, the ‘70s feminist reliance on photography, video and film remains the new feminists’ first choice, whether they come from the First or the Third Worlds, with the addition of digital and computer technology now at their disposal.
Concerning subject matter, a shared sense of malaise in regards to sexuality, identity and emotion emerges strongly from different parts of the globe...."
Link: Female Troubles - artnet Magazine.
Above, Milica Tomic, I Am Milica Tomic (video still), 1998, Charim Galerie, Vienna