Rather an exploitive tale, this one, but we like the Rodney Dangerfield at the Country Club vibe of the interruption of street life into Spago.
"Last year, I was taken to the Los Angeles restaurant Spago for a movie industry lunch. The conversation turned to the question of Sly Stone's whereabouts. Someone mentioned that Sly had wandered into this very eating establishment a few months previous, smoking what appeared to be a crack pipe.
Someone else happened to mention they knew someone who knew someone who was in the process of selling their entire collection of music memorabilia, including a hat worn on stage by Sly in 1970: a very fetching Davy Crockett-style number with a giant brooch attached. Without delay, a call was made to the seller and I was informed that only sealed bids would be considered. I duly scraped together all the cash I could muster (a princely 6400 pounds) and pitched my bid with what can only be described as a sense of burning hope...."
Link: Guardian Unlimited: Arts blog - music: My quest to buy Sly Stone's hat.